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What is treason? defines treason as "the action of betraying someone or something." This is exactly what we are trying to stop; the betrayal of laws happening within Washington state, especially by those who are supposed to uphold them.

I-1669 Goals

We are hoping to accomplish many goals with this Initiative, and below are a few of the ones we consider to be the most important. 

  1. Protect your rights!

  2. Make government and individuals within the Washington state government accountable.

  3. Give power to the people not to just a special few.

  4. Reduce the time to get permits.

What could I-1669 do for you?

Initiative Measure No. 1669 concerns civil suits to challenge
unconstitutional laws or stop illegal actions.​

If passed into law, this measure would allow United States citizens, who are registered Washington voters, to pay for expedited trials and appellate review of certain actions against individuals and entities.

This would give Washington citizens the ability to set a situation right by seeking certain remedies against government-officials and employees.

In cases against elected officials and government employees, juries could place defendants on unpaid leave or terminate positions, but could not award punitive or monetary damages without proof of malice or intent. Defendants could not claim immunity from suit if the plaintiff provided a $2,000 malicious prosecution bond.

This Initiative could help Washington state people with:

  • Property zoning issues

  • Sanctuary city status

  • No or very slow response removing tresspasers

  • Stop supervised injection sites

  • Push to complete road repair timely

  • Push to cleanup trash illegally dumped

  • Stop regulatory agency's from being unresponsive or bullying an individual or business, causing time or monetary loss

  • Being guilty of violating a regulation and having to prove innocence

  • Being subjected to violation of a United States Law

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